Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS)

If you have accepted an unconditional offer to study a full-time course at 91福利, you should immediately request a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) before you apply for your Student Route visa.

The CAS is not automatically issued. You must pay your non-refundable deposit first (if you are a postgraduate student), upload your supporting documents, and then submit a CAS request via the Online Student Information System (OSIS) up to six months before your course start date.

  • CAS applications from overseas: Please read our helpful FAQ section with the latest information we have received from UKVI about student visa applications for September.
  • CAS applications from within the UK: CAS requests can only be accepted if you meet the Student Route visa requirements and can submit your student visa application before the 'stage two' enrolment specific to your course.

How to request your CAS

Step 1: Pay the non-refundable deposit

All postgraduate taught (masters) applicants (excluding Masters by Research MPhil/PhD) who require a Student Visa are required to pay a non-refundable deposit of £5,000 within 21 working days of receiving their unconditional offer. This deposit will be applied toward the first instalment of your tuition fee and must be paid before you can request a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS).

* Exclusions

You are not required to pay the non-refundable deposit if:

  • you are an undergraduate student
  • you do not require a Student Route Visa to study at 91福利
  • your studies are being sponsored by your government or a company (evidence of your sponsorship must be provided)
  • you are receiving funding or a student loan from Lånekassen, US Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or the Canada Student Financial Assistance Program (CSFA Program) (evidence must be provided)
  • you are receiving an educational loan from a regulated loan scheme (evidence must be provided).

Pay your non-refundable deposit now

Step 2: Log into OSIS

After you have paid the postgraduate deposit (if applicable), select the 'Your Visa' tab and then click ‘Request a CAS'. Remember you must pay the deposit first.

Follow the steps and answer the questions – we will ask you:

  • If you are studying or have previously studied on a student visa in the UK
  • If you have had any previous UK visa refusals*
  • If you have any other pending applications with UKVI
  • If your studies are either partially or fully funded by a scholarship, organisation or government

Our CAS team will assess the documents you have uploaded to ensure they meet UKVI requirements and may contact you if they require any additional documents or information, so check your email regularly. You can also track the progress of your CAS request by logging in to OSIS.

* Please note: You must tell us about any previous visa refusals, and upload scanned copies of the refusal notice (or other confirmation) onto OSIS using the instructions outlined below.

Step 3: Upload the supporting documents

You will be asked to upload supporting documents to OSIS. Our CAS team will assess the documents you upload to ensure they meet UKVI requirements. If we require any additional documents or information, the CAS team will contact you directly, so check your email regularly.

You can track the progress of your CAS request by logging in to OSIS.

You must submit copies of the following documents:

Financial documents

You must be able to show that you have enough money to pay your course fees and living costs while you study in the UK.

Your supporting documents must show the full amount needed (first year course fees + £13,347 maintenance funds) held for a consecutive 28-day period. At no time can the funds dip below the total amount required.

A bank statement should:

  • be printed on the 29th day.
  • show the closing balance on the account – the date on the statement should be no more than 31 days before the date you submit your student visa application.

You can show you have enough money using:

  • an official financial or government sponsorship or grant
  • a student loan from a government, government-sponsored loan company, or a regulated student loans scheme
  • your own money
  • your parents' money (if they provide a letter confirming they agree to you using it this way)
  • your partner's money if your partner is present in the UK or applying at the same time.

If using your parents' bank statements, you must include a letter of support from your parents and proof of the relationship (such as a birth certificate). For detailed information about the financial requirements, please read the:

Tuberculosis (TB) certificate

If you are resident in any of these , you'll need to have a from a UKVI-approved TB test centre.

ATAS certificate

Students intending to study certain science or engineering degrees will need to apply for an Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS) Certificate. You can apply for an ATAS certificate up to nine months before the start date of your course. .

Step 4: Approve draft CAS

When your draft CAS is ready, you will receive an email asking you to check and confirm that the details on your draft CAS are correct.

  1. .
  2. Go to the Your Visa page on OSIS.
  3. Click View draft CAS against your CAS request record.
  4. Check that each section is correct and confirm the information by approving your draft CAS.

Step 5: CAS is issued

You will receive a copy of your final CAS statement by email when you have approved your draft CAS, and our CAS team has checked your supporting documents.

The CAS statement is an 'e-document', so you will not receive a paper copy.

You can apply for your student visa when you have receive your final CAS statement.

Do I need to provide supporting documents?

Low-risk nationals

Students from are classified as a 'low risk national' (LRN) and will not be required to submit supporting documents with their student visa application. However, UKVI may still request to see your supporting documents after you submit your application, so you must ensure you have them.

If you are a low-risk national you must complete a declaration to confirm you understand that you are being accessed for your CAS in this way.

As a low-risk national you must have access to the required funds for your tuition and maintenance fees but you do not need to provide evidence of this if you complete the LRN declaration.

The following documents are also required where applicable:

Tuberculosis (TB) certificate

If you are resident in any of these , you'll need to have a from a UKVI-approved TB test centre.

ATAS certificate

Students intending to study certain science or engineering degrees will need to apply for a clearance certificate as part of the Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS) Certificate. You can apply for an ATAS certificate up to nine months before the start date of your course. .

CAS request video guide

Please note

Important notice

Having a CAS does not guarantee that you will be successful in securing a student visa. 91福利 is not responsible for any decisions made by the Home Office and will not accept liability for any student failing to obtain a visa and/or for any losses incurred.

Points to help you avoid a visa refusal

  • A CAS is only valid for six months from the date it is issued.
  • When you make your student visa application you must include all original documents stated on your CAS, where required (low-risk nationals do not need to submit original documents). Failure to do so could result in a visa refusal.
  • If you are applying for your student visa from inside the UK your course must start within 28 days of your current visa expiry date.
  • If your current visa is due to expire soon or has expired then you should contact the CAS team urgently.

CAS is at the University's discretion

The issuing of a CAS is at the University's discretion and 91福利 reserves the right not to issue a CAS under certain circumstances. This includes:

  • insufficient time to make a successful student visa application
  • unlikely to arrive before the latest course start date
  • incorrect or insufficient funds to meet the requirements
  • not have the required maintenance funds
  • if documents submitted are deemed to be fraudulent
  • CAS request is submitted after the latest course start date deadline
  • student has exceeded (or will exceed by the end of their course) the maximum time allowed on a student visa.

Using your CAS when you apply for a visa

You should include a copy of your CAS statement with your student visa application.

When you complete your student visa application form, refer to your CAS statement, as the information you state on your visa application form will be checked against the information listed on your CAS statement:

  • 14-digit reference number (known as your CAS number) containing a mixture of letters and numbers
  • Kingston Sponsor Licence Number (SLN)
  • Start and end dates of your course
  • Title of your course
  • Tuition fees for first year of your course (if your CAS has been issued for an extension at Kingston, the "first year of study" means the first year of this new period)
  • Tuition fees you have already paid to 91福利
  • Accommodation fees you have already paid to 91福利 (up to £1,483)
  • Academic qualifications we used to make you an offer to study at 91福利
  • Assessment of your English language ability, including any formal qualifications
  • Confirmation of any previous study in the UK on a student visa.

Scholarships and government loans

If your studies are being funded (partially or fully) by a scholarship, international organisation or government, you will need to inform us when you request your CAS (this will be a question on the CAS request form in OSIS).

Loan letters must state that the loan is offered in one of the following ways:

  • provided by the national government;
  • provided by the state or regional government;
  • provided by a government-sponsored student loan company;
  • part of an academic or educational loans scheme.


You may want to pay some of your tuition fees or halls of residence fees in advance. We can confirm the following pre-payments on your CAS:

  • Up to 100% of your tuition fees
  • Up to £1,483 of your halls of residence fees, You can pay more, but this is the maximum we can confirm on your CAS.

We can only include details of your pre-payments on your CAS statement if you make the payment before requesting your CAS (so the prepaid amount will be deducted from the overall financial requirement you need to show in your financial documents).

If you make a payment after you request your CAS, we cannot guarantee that those payments will be received and confirmed in time to include in your CAS statement.

Is the deposit refundable if I do not receive my visa?

This deposit is not normally refundable but can be held if you need to defer your place.

Refunds may be considered at the University's sole discretion if you don't receive your Student Visa for reasons the University considers are beyond your control and you can provide sufficient documentary evidence.

Appeals for deposit refunds must be made by email first within three months of the start date specified on your CAS and include documentary evidence to support your case.

Please read our Student Complaint Procedure carefully and note that you can make a complaint within 15 days of the event, which has given rise to the issue, or if a series of events, within 15 days of the final event in the series. Complaints will only be considered outside this timeframe in exceptional circumstances.

Helpful CAS FAQ

What is the processing time for a CAS?

The processing time for a CAS is between 3-5 working days. During our busy periods, it could take longer.

How do I pay the £5,000 non-refundable deposit?

All postgraduate taught (masters) international students must pay the £5,000 non-refundable deposit before the CAS can be issued. You can also pay any amount above this.

You can still submit a CAS request without paying your deposit. However, we cannot issue your final CAS until we have received this payment.

The quickest way to pay is by debit or credit card via the 91福利 London Payment Portal.

If you require a receipt please contact

International student applicants are not required to pay a deposit if:

  • you are an undergraduate student
  • you do not require a Student Route Visa to study at 91福利
  • your studies are being sponsored by your government or a company (evidence of your sponsorship must be provided)
  • you are receiving funding or a student loan from Lånekassen, US Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or the Canada Student Financial Assistance Program (CSFA Program) (evidence must be provided)
  • you are receiving an educational loan from a regulated educational loan scheme (evidence of your educational loan for the full fee amount must be provided)

How can I pay my fees?

The quickest way to pay your fees is by debit or credit card.

International payments such us international bank transfers and card payments must be made via Convera GlobalPay.

All information about payment methods can be found on the 91福利 Online Payment Portal.

If you have any fee payment questions, please contact the finance team at

Do I need an ATAS certificate?

Students intending to study certain science or engineering postgraduate level (RQF7) will need to apply for an Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS) certificate. If this applies to your course, it will be stated in your offer letter.

You can apply for an ATAS certificate up to nine months before the start date of your course. For more guidance, .

Do I need a Tuberculosis certificate?

A Tuberculosis (TB) medical certificate is required if you are coming to the UK for more than six months and are a resident of one of the countries listed on the .

You must be tested at an approved UKVI clinic. Some countries don't have approved testing centres so you will need to get tested in a neighbouring country.

If you would usually require a TB certificate but have resided in a country for at least six months that does not require a TB certificate, you will be exempt from this requirement. You must upload a written explanation of your circumstances with any relevant residence permits.

Can I bring a dependant on a Student Route visa?

There will be important changes to the Student Visa Route from January 2024.

The latest information about dependants and switching can be found in this document:

Currently, your partner and children (‘dependants') may be able to apply to come to the UK or stay longer in the UK.

You must be one of the following:

  • A full-time student on a postgraduate level course (RQF level 7 or above) that lasts nine months or longer
  • A new government-sponsored student on a course that lasts longer than six months
  • A Doctorate Extension Scheme student

For more information, visit the UK Government's Student visa 'Your partner and children' page.

Does my dependant require a CAS?

Your dependant does not require a CAS, but you need to show enough funds for your dependants while making a CAS request.

Your dependant needs to be able to support themselves. How much money they need depends on where you will be studying. They must have:

  • £845 a month (for up to 9 months) for courses in London

To find out more about how much money your dependent(s) will require, visit the UK Government's .

When will I receive my alumni discount?

Please note you will receive an invoice for the full course fee. The discount is applied as a credit to the invoice shortly after your enrolment. You will receive a separate credit note via email.

To find out more, check out our alumni discount page.

Am I allowed to transfer to a different course?

If you are considering changing course, more advice is available by emailing

After you arrive in the UK

How do I show my digital visa status?

EU/ EEA nationals and British Nationals Overseas using the Immigration ID check app will not receive a BRP. You will instead need to show evidence of your digital visa status by following the below steps:

  • Upload your confirmation email from UKVI to OSIS regarding your visa application outcome.
  • Upload your boarding pass to confirm the date of your arrival in the UK.
  • Prove your immigration status by using the's and sending a screenshot to

What visa documents do I need to upload on OSIS?

You will need to upload the following documents to OSIS:

  • A scan of the front and back of your BRP card
  • Stamped visa vignette which displays the date of your arrival in the UK
  • Your boarding pass, if you entered through an eGate, to confirm the date of your arrival

Ensure that your UK address, UK mobile number and email address is added to OSIS under the personal details section.

What is the University's attendance policy?

The University Attendance Policy clearly states that students are expected to attend all scheduled teaching events. Attendance is recorded using SEAtS and you must scan your ID card onto card readers located on campus. Any absence from teaching activities must be recorded using the SEAtS app.

The compliance team are required to monitor your engagement with your studies. If your level of attendance raises concerns, the compliance team will investigate your situation. Lengthy periods of absence could result in the withdrawal of your student visa.

To ensure you fully understand the requirements, read policy AP15University's Attendance Policy.

How do I update my contact details?

You need to update your contact details in OSIS if any changes occur. You will be sent a reminder email every three months.

Do I need to notify the University if I am travelling outside the UK?

Yes, if you are required to travel outside the UK during your official term time, you must obtain an Authorised Absence letter by contacting your student office and the CAS team at

Letters will only be issued in exceptional circumstances. For more details, read our .

For travel during official holiday period, you should print a terms date letter from OSIS. You will need this letter in the event you are questioned at the border.

Can I work whilst studying?

Your BRP card or Digital Immigration Status will display the number of hours you are permitted to work during term time. You must not exceed the stated limit.

You can work full-time hours if you are on your official holiday period or after you have completed your course (extant leave).

A course completion letter can be requested from the faculty student office if an employer requires confirmation that you have completed your studies.

Before you start working during your studies, carefully read this .

Placement year FAQ

Can I add a placement year after starting my course?

If you would like to add a placement year, you must first secure the placement by the relevant deadline. The placement office must then approve the course transfer.

You will need to apply for a new CAS as a continuing student to obtain a new visa that will cover the remaining length of the course.

Can I work while on my placement?

You are permitted to work full time hours for your approved placement employer. In addition to this, you can work a maximum of 20 hours per week for any other employer. 

For more information, visit our Working in the UK page for international students.

What happens if I do not secure my postgraduate placement?

Your faculty will transfer you off the placement route and you will be awarded the one-year masters at the next exam board. Once this is completed, the compliance team will report your change of course to the Home Office and your visa will be cancelled.

Can I work full time after dropping a placement year?

After you receive the email confirmation of your visa curtailment from the UKVI team, you will have about four months of extant leave.

Please obtain a course completion letter from your faculty student office after your new course end date. You can provide this to your employer as proof of your course completion.

For more details on working requirements, read our advice on . Or contact our immigration advice team for more details on

If I want to apply for the Graduate Route, can I travel overseas after dropping my placement year?

Students who are transferred off the placement year and complete the one-year masters are reported to the Home Office by the compliance team. They are then required to report your early completion and new end date. Your visa is then cancelled, and you will have 4 months extant leave.

If you travel outside the UK after your new end date has been reported to the Home Office, you risk not being eligible to apply for the Graduate Route.

The advice from the Home Office is not to travel outside the UK until your Graduate Route visa has been granted.

For further guidance on this matter, contact

Graduate route FAQ

If I fail a module, can I apply for the Graduate Route?

The Graduate Route is only open to those who have successfully completed their course and who have valid Student Route permission when they apply. You must be fully awarded before you can apply. Therefore, if you are required to use your extant leave to complete failed modules, you may not have enough time left on your visa to apply for the Graduate Route.

Whether you are still eligible will depend on your individual circumstances. For more information, contact the immigration advice team on

Read the full requirements of the Graduate Route on the .

Will I be notified if I am eligible for the Graduate Route?

You must wait until your degree has been officially awarded, which will be following the exam board.

Assuming you have been awarded your full degree, you will be automatically reported for the Graduate Route.

You will receive an email confirmation of this with your CAS number and further details on the application process.

Read the following resources for more information on the full eligibility requirements of the Graduate Route:

Finance FAQ

If my financial situation changes and I cannot pay my fees, what action do I need to take?

If you are unable to pay any outstanding fees, you will need to contact the finance department immediately at

If you miss any payments, your status will be suspended. Whilst you are suspended, you will not have any access to your student account. This includes your student email and Canvas access. This will only be reinstated once you have paid the outstanding fees.

For more information on when to pay fees, please visit our fees and funding page.

Contact us

You can contact our friendly and experienced team if you have any questions regarding CAS or Visa Compliance. We are here to help.

We offer:

Email and telephone advice

One-to-one appointments

You can  on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9.30am to 4pm.

Face-to-face drop-ins:

During term time, we are available every Wednesday from 9am to 5pm at the Nightingale Centre on the Kingston Hill campus. Feel free to visit us – no appointment is required.