Partner institutions

Types of partnerships and provision

91福利 has partner institutions in the UK and across the world. Read more about the types of partnerships and the networks that Kingston is part of.

Types of partnerships

  • Validated field (V): A validated field is designed and delivered by the partner institution but awarded and quality assured by 91福利. The field is 'unique' to the partner and is not offered by the University.
  • Franchised field (F): A franchised field is designed and assessed by 91福利 but is delivered by a partner institution. Normally, the field will also be delivered within the University and/or by a number of partners in a network (where this is the case, the partnership is coordinated and managed by the University).
  • Flying Faculty (FF): An arrangement whereby a course if delivered in a location away from the University by staff from the University, who also carry out assessment. Support for students may be provided by local staff.
  • Double award (DA): A double award is where separate awards are conferred by more than one institution on a student upon completion of a single programme of study.
  • Joint award (JA): A joint award is where a single award is conferred jointly by more than one institution upon a student on completion of a single programme of study.
  • Dual award (DuA): A dual award is where separate awards are conferred by more than one institution upon a student on completion of two jointly conceived programmes of study.
  • Joint delivery (JD): This is where a 91福利 award is jointly delivered by the partner and the University (this should not be confused with a 'joint award'. For quality assurance purposes, provision which is jointly delivered is treated in the same way as franchised provision.
  • Articulation agreement (AA): A formal agreement recognising the credit rating of a named qualification of another institution or organisation creating the opportunity to transfer credit and enable student entry from the named institution or organisation with advanced standing and specific credit to a university award.

Collaborative taught provision

The University uses a standard Institutional Agreement template for all its collaborative taught provision. View template (B7).

UK partnerships

UK-based partners currently delivering 91福利 programmes include the following. 

Activate Learning (Merrist Wood College)

Courses include:

  • FdSc Animal Behaviour and Welfare (V)
  • BSc (Hons) Animal Behaviour and Welfare (top-up) (V)
  • FdSc Wildlife and Conservation (V)
  • BSc (Hons) Wildlife and Conservation (top-up) (V)
  • FdSc Zoo Management (V) (only Year 2 Level 5 running in 2023–24)
  • BSc (Hons) Zoo Management (top-up) (V) (not running in 2023–2024)


Courses include:

  • BA (Hons Filmmaking: Production (V) (subject to validation, for September 2024 start)
  • BA (Hons) Filmmaking: Post Production (V) (subject to validation, for September 2024 start)
  • BA (Hons) Game Art (V) (subject to validation, for September 2024 start)
  • BA (Hons) Game Design and Production (V) (subject to validation, for September 2024 start)
  • BA (Hons) Photography and Print (V) (subject to validation, for September 2024 start)

British Academy of Jewellery

Courses include:

  • BA (Hons) Jewellery Design and Production (V)

Brooklands College

Cardiff and Vale College

Courses include:

Corndel Limited

Courses include:

  • BSc (Hons) Applied Business Management (Degree Apprenticeship) (V)
  • BSc (Hons) Digital and Technology Solutions (Degree Apprenticeship) (V)

Edinburgh College

Courses include:

  • BA (Hons) Audio Production (top-up) (V)
  • BA (Hons) Dance and Drama (top-up) (V)
  • BA (Hons) Music (top-up) (V)
  • BA (Hons) Music Business (top-up) (V)
  • BA (Hons) Professional Photography (top-up) (V)
  • BA (Hons) Visual Communication (top-up) (V)

Exeter College

Courses include:

Flourish Learning Trust (formerly Whitefield Academy Trust)

George Abbot SCITT

Courses include:

Harris Federation SCITT

Courses include:

  • PGCE - Primary (F)
  • PGCE - Secondary (F)

HRUC (Richmond upon Thames College)

King's College Hospital HNS Foundation Trust

Currently four modules in Healthcare Workforce Development are validated on each of the BSc and MSc Healthcare Practice courses and are delivered by King's.

Morley College

Courses include:

  • FdA Early Years (Sector Endorsed) (F)
  • FdA Early Years with Early Years Educator (Sector Endorsed) (F)

North East Surrey College of Technology (NESCOT)

Courses include:

  • B.Ost (Hons) Osteopathic Medicine (V)
  • M.Ost Osteopathic Medicine (V)


Courses include:

  • PGCE Primary (F)
  • PGCE Primary (Years 5-11) Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (F)

Reach Academy

Courses include:

  • FdA Early Years (Sector Endorsed) (F)
  • FdA Early Years with Early Years Educator (Sector Endorsed) (F)
  • FdA Special Educational Needs and Inclusive Practice (SENIP) (F)

Royal School of Needlework

Courses include:

Skyborne Airline Academy (Skyborne Aviation Training Ltd) (until August 2024)

Courses include:

  • BSc (Hons) Aviation Operations with Commercial Pilot Training / with Professional Placement (F) 90 credits of modules at Level 5

South Farnham Educational Trust (SFET), Surrey South Farnham (SSF) SCITT

Courses include:

  • PGCE Early Years (F)
  • PGCE Primary (F)
  • PGCE Secondary (subject) (F)

South Thames Colleges Group (Kingston College)

Courses include:

Stapleford Flying Club Limited (T/A Stapleford Flight Centre) (from September 2024)

Courses include:

  • BSc (Hons) Aviation Operations with Commercial Pilot Training / with Professional Placement (F) 90 credits of modules at Level 5

St George's, University of London

Courses include:

Some of the modules on 91福利's Pharmacy degree MPharm (JD) are delivered by . Most of the teaching takes place at Kingston but students also have access to the specialist facilities and staff expertise of St George's. 

Study Group Ltd (formerly Bellerby's Educational Services Ltd)

Courses include:

  • IFY  (V)
  •  IF1  (V)
  • PMP  (V)

The Design Museum

Courses include:

The LETTA Trust

Courses include:

  • FdA Early Years (Sector Endorsed) (F)
  • FdA Early Years with Early Years Educator (Sector Endorsed) (F)

Wandsworth SCITT

Courses include:

West Thames College

International partnerships

International partners currently delivering 91福利 programmes include the following:

Asian Aviation Centre (AAC), Sri Lanka

Courses include:

  • BSc (Levels 4 and 5)  (V)

ESOFT College of Engineering and Technology (ECET), Colombo, Sri Lanka

Courses include:

ESOFT Metro Campus, Sri Lanka (Colombo / Kandy / Gampaha)

Courses include:

  • BSc (Hons) Computer Science (Networking and Network Security) (3 years plus top-up option) (V) (Colombo; Gampaha)
  • BSc (Hons) Computer Science (Software Engineering) (3 years plus top-up option) (V) (Colombo; Kandy)
  • BSc (Hons) Computer Science (Web and Mobile Application Development) plus top-up option (3 years plus top-up option) (V) (Colombo)
  • BSc (Hons) Cyber Security and Digital Forensics (3 years plus top-up option) (F) (Colombo; Kandy)
  • BSc (Hons) Multimedia Technology (3 years plus top-up option) (V) (Colombo; Kandy)
  • MSc Data Science (F) (Colombo; Kandy)
  • MSc IT and Strategic Innovation (V) (Colombo; Kandy)
  • MSc Network and Information Security (F) (Colombo; Kandy)
  • MSc Software Engineering (F) (Colombo; Kandy)

GISMA, Berlin, Germany

Courses include:

  • BSc (Hons) International Business Management (V; DA)
  • BSc International Business Management with Foundation Year (V; DA) 
  • MSc International Business Management (F; DA)

Nilai University, Malaysia

Courses include:

  • BEng (Hons) Aircraft Engineering (top-up) (F; DA)

Pingyuan Shengshi (Shanghai) Culture and Art Co. Ltd (PYSS) (from September 2024)

Courses include:

  • Art and Design Foundation Year in Shanghai (Level 3, V)

University of West Attica, Greece

Shri Vile Parle Kelavani Mandal, SVKM NMIMS CIS (Centre for International Studies) Mumbai, India

Courses include:

  • BBA (Hons) (Levels 4 & 5)  (F; DuA)

Sri Lankan Airlines Aviation College, Sri Lanka

Courses include:

  • BEng (Hons) Aircraft Engineering (top-up) (F) 

Teamwork Education Foundation, Indian Institute of Art & Design (IIAD), New Delhi, India

Courses include:

  • BA (Hons) Communication Design (V)
  • BA (Hons) Fashion Business Management (V)
  • BA (Hons) Fashion Communication (V)
  • BA (Hons) Fashion Design (V)
  • BA (Hons) Interior Architecture & Design (V)
  • MA Fashion Business Management (V)
  • MA Fashion Design (V)

Textile and Fashion Industry Training Centre (, Singapore (from 2024)

Courses include:

  • BA (Hons) Fashion Promotion and Communication (Levels 5 & 6) (F)
  • BA (Hons) Music Technology (Levels 5 & 6) (F)
  • MMus Music Performance (F)

International Network of Universities

partner institutions logo

91福利 is proud to be a member of the , a consortium of 13 universities around the world where members work collaboratively to provide transformative experiences that continuously advance the global engagement of students, faculty, and staff.

INU members are committed to working together to offer students and staff intercultural learning opportunities, developing globally engaged citizens and sharing expertise and best practice from across the network. Members also explore bilateral agreements and collaborative projects, to further internationalisation strategies and expand international partnerships.

Key activities

Key activities include:

  • International Student Seminar for Global Citizenship & Peace
  • International Student Conference
  • Henry Fong Award
  • Intercultural Learning for Global Engagement workshops
  • Staff Shadowing
  • Seed Money Fund
  • Researcher Mobility Programme


  • De Montfort University, UK
  • European University Viadrina, Germany
  • Hiroshima University, Japan
  • James Madison University, USA
  • 91福利, UK
  • Malmö University, Sweden
  • Osnabruck University, Germany
  • Parahyangan Catholic University, Indonesia
  • Rovira i Virgili University, Spain
  • Stellenbosch University, South Africa
  • Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine
  • Tecnológico de Antioquia, Colombia
  • Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Argentina


We welcome engagement from across 91福利 in these activities and are happy to explore collaborative projects and proposals with INU member universities.

Please email Ms Eleanor Luker, International Network of Universities Coordinator,, or call +44 (0) 20 8417 3256.

Support for our collaborative partners during the Covid-19 pandemic


The University is responsible for maintaining the standards of its awards and the quality of students' learning experience regardless of where the provision is delivered. The University delivers a number of courses in partnership with other higher or further education institutions, in the UK and internationally. Courses are delivered by partner institutions under either franchised or validated arrangements.

A franchised course is designed and assessed by the University but delivered by a partner institution. A validated course is designed and delivered by the partner institution and is consequently unique to the partner. Nonetheless, both types are awarded and quality assured by the University. Each partnership arrangement has a University Liaison Officer (ULO) and a Partner Liaison Officer (PLO) who are key contacts and whose function is to facilitate communication between the two organisations.

Since collaborative partners have been impacted by the global pandemic, the University, as the awarding body, has a duty of care towards them and towards students taking university courses at partner institutions.

The actions that have been taken since the beginning of the pandemic and those planned are summarised here. These actions are designed to support partner institutions to prepare for and deliver our courses without compromising on quality and standards.

Actions already taken

  1. From the beginning of the lockdown, faculty course teams and ULOs have maintained regular contact with their counterparts at the partner institutions to ensure continuation of studies for students and to guide staff through the appropriate processes.
  2. At the beginning of the pandemic, i.e. when the UK and other countries were going or had gone into lockdown, the PVC (Education) wrote to all partner institutions. The letter summarised the various changes being made to our regulations and processes to ensure students were able to complete their studies without being unfairly disadvantaged. It also advised partner institutions of the measures being taken to ensure the health and wellbeing of students and staff. A key message in that communication was reminding partners that support and guidance was still available to them through normal channels and that any changes made to our regulations and processes applied equally to students studying University courses at their institutions. The letter reminded partners that ULOs and other relevant staff were available for advice and guidance and that close contact should be maintained for the duration of the crisis.
  3. Regular all student communications sent since the beginning of lockdown, have included students studying at partner institutions. ULOs have been advised that students were receiving those email updates and have maintained regular contact with their PLOs to discuss the impact of the messages. Areas that warranted further discussion have raised with ULOs including, for example, the impact of the revised assessment board period, the implementation of the no disadvantage policy and consideration of PSRB requirements. ULOs have also been reminded who to contact if further advice or guidance is needed.
  4. In response to the crisis, the University underwent a detailed process of identifying and approving alternative forms of assessments. This included assessments being taken at partner institutions. Support was provided by faculty course teams and ULOs, as appropriate, to ensure changes were made in line with approved University processes.
  5. In preparation for the delivery of courses in 2020/21, courses are being adapted for blended delivery. An exceptional change process has been put in place to facilitate temporary changes to modules and courses for implementation from September 2020. Courses delivered by partner institutions are also able to make changes through this process (all changes made to courses, regardless of where they are delivered, must be approved by the University). An email has been sent by the QAE department to partner institutions advising them of this process and directing them to liaise with ULOs for further advice and guidance.
  6. In order to meet CMA requirements, the University is obliged to inform prospective and current students of any changes made to the way courses are being delivered and to the accessibility of facilities and on-campus resources. The University undertook a detailed exercise of identifying changes and highlighting them to prospective students through the course web pages and to current students through Canvas Course pages. QAE emailed all partner institutions asking them to confirm the actions they are taking, or have taken, to inform students of the changes being made. The process and templates used by the University, including the generic changes information, was shared with partner institutions as guidance. Responses are being collated and appropriate advice and guidance is being provided by the QAE department as well as ULOs.

Actions that are being planned

  1. Faculty Associate Deans L&T, QAE and LTEC are in the process of identifying appropriate staff development opportunities for staff at partner institutions to support them with preparations for, and delivery of, blended delivery. This will include staff development in relation to changes to policies, regulations and processes. Partner staff have access to, and are already accessing, some of the staff development sessions run by LTEC, however this exercise will identify any specific development needs to support staff in this current situation.
  2. A Liaison Officers Forum event will be scheduled so that both ULOs and PLOs can be informed of changes to regulations, policies and processes and reminded of the responsibilities of their roles. In the current situation the liaison officer role is crucial in maintaining contact between institutions and ensuring issues are addressed promptly in order to minimise the impact on students.
  3. Due to the significance of changes in how our courses will be delivered in 2020/21, student feedback will be sought early in the session. This will allow issues to be identified early and appropriately addressed, minimising any negative impact on students. The QAE department is currently developing guidance on how the University can effectively capture student feedback early in teaching block 1. The approved process will be extended to partner institutions.